Get Connected

Greetings Family & Friends!

It is with much anticipation your Tillman Connection family reunion.  Committee members are very excited to officially announce the 2023 Tillman Brothers Family Reunion in our nation’s capital of Washington, D.C. June 29-July 2, 2023.

Please click here to make sure you are updated on fundraisers, family news, and reunion events. We are so excited to connect with you!

More details coming soon!!

Tillman Connection

21st Century

Our guiding theme is “Strengthening Family through our connection.” As a committee, we are charging family to not only clinch to this theme for the reunion but to honor and practice preserving the Tillman legacy.

How will our theme be demonstrated throughout our weekend in the nation’s capital and beyond?

The 2023 committee has not only committed to planning a funfilled & memorable weekend but has also committed to bridging the generations within our family together. This theme will be experienced through multiple activities and events. As you continue to explore our family website, you will see a preliminary outline of the weekend itinerary. Please pay close attention to deadlines/important dates. We encourage you to visit our family website often for updates and messages. No exceptions to deadlines! For a successful outcome, we need your unwavering support, continuous participation and honoring of this family legacy.

For any questions, concerns or suggestions feel free to contact one of your committee members.